Cassadaga, NY

The biggest issue affecting our lakes is water quality. We know we will always have weeds growing in our lakes. Our harvesting program can handle weed growth and removal only if moderate - It is with your help that we need to keep the weeds at a minimum.

The Chautauqua County Health Dept. does weekly water testing at all County public beaches to insure that they are safe for swimming. The testing focuses on E coli levels to insure that there is no health threat to swimmers. In conjunction with their efforts, the CLA samples three additional sites, one on each of the three lakes. The CLA pays to have these additional samples tested by the Health Dept.. The three sites were carefully chosen. Each serves as an early warning of possible problems with E coli levels.

The good news as of 2020 is that for the last several years our testing results have been excellent with very little in the way of E coli problems. Favorable weather conditions have helped produce these good results, but credit also goes to the Beach directors at our three swimming beaches (Cassadaga, Lily Dale, Camp Gross) for aggressive goose management. Goose droppings are the most frequent cause of E coli problems, and when geese are kept away from beach areas, results will remain good.


Use Only Phosphate-FREE lawn fertilizers and dishwashing detergents !

HEALTHY LAWN TIPS Follow these easy tips for a beautiful green lawn, not a green lake!

FERTILIZE... Only with phosphorus-free fertilizers. Most northeastern lawns have enough phosphorus (P) and only need nitrogen (N)! A soil survey of St. Albans, VT also showed excessive levels of phosphorus there. Similar results have been found for upstate NY. Apply fertilizer once/year—the best time is early fall. Sweep up fertilizer from sidewalks and driveways. Don't fertilize before heavy rain. LOOK FOR THE MIDDLE NUMBER... On fertilizer bags to see the N-P-K nutrient analysis. The middle number is the phosphate (phosphorus) content. A 'zero' in the middle means it is phosphorus-free. Lawns rarely need extra potassium (K), but adding some does not affect water quality.

TAKE A SOIL TEST... If you are seeding a new lawn, or want to learn more about your lawn's nutrient content, pH level and organic content.

WATER... If desired, in early morning, when there is less than 1 inch/week of rain. Grass will survive droughts without watering by going dormant.

PLANT GRASS SEED... On existing lawns in the fall and spring to out compete weeds. Use a grass mixture that does well in the setting (soil, light, activity). Leave legumes, such as common white clover, among the grass to add nitrogen, which will naturally fertilize your lawn.

MOW... To maintain a height of 3 to 4 inches and cut off no more than 1/3 of grass blade. Leave clippings on lawn to add nutrients and organic matter, but be sure to sweep the clippings off pavement.

WEEDS... Will be discouraged by following these healthy lawn tips! Just pull any that are left by hand.

For more infromation and resources see: